Rainfall occurred at many places over Tamil Nadu and Kerala, at a few places over South Interior Karnataka, Lakshadweep and Isolated places over Andhra Pradesh and Coastal Karnataka. Rainfall occurred at many places over Tamil Nadu and Kerala, at a few places over South Interior Karnataka, Lakshadweep and Isolated places over Andhra Pradesh and Coastal Karnataka. Dry weather prevailed over Telangana and North interior Karnataka. The chief amounts of rainfall recorded in centimetres are: TAMIL NADU: Pamban (Ramanathapuram Dist) 13, Rameswaram (Ramanathapuram Dist) 11, Kancheepuram (Kancheepuram Dist) 10, Coonoor (Nilgiris Dist), Coonoor pto (Nilgiris Dist) 8 each, Kaveripakkam (Vellore Dist),...